
How To Clean Cat After Pu Surgery

As we all know, having surgery is never fun, especially when it involves the more 'sensitive' areas.

Male cats can more easily develop a blockage of urine because of the anatomy of their urinary system.

A perineal urethrostomy (sometimes referred to as a 'PU') is a surgery performed on male cats who have a urinary blockage. Male cats can more easily develop a blockage of urine because of the anatomy of their urinary system. The urethra is a tubular structure that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body.

Little Sammy had the PU surgery and he was showing some odd behavior following the surgery, so his family decided to try the natural route and found NHV. They put Sammy on Tripsy, this is a soothing formula that supports the kidneys and urinary health. The results little Sammy had from using Tripsy were incredible! Here is his story…

My Sammy, an 8-year-old rescue cat, had PU surgery in October 2017 after blocking. The recovery has not been as smooth and problem-free as we would have hoped. About a month ago we noticed frequent nonproductive trips to the litter box followed about 20 minutes later with a visit that was normal. We have also had problems with the obsessive licking of the surgery site.. we have been to the vets, tried antibiotics, discomfort pills, had a urinalysis and urine cultures, ultrasound and we can come up with no medical explanation for this licking.

Well on January 12th we received our bottle of Tripsy, I started it right away by directly administering it into his mouth from the dropper (my boy is not a wet food eater.. found one kind after trying hundreds that he will lick it so didn't want to add the Tripsy to the food and have him stop eating it). I was fearful that he would froth and fight me every step of the way.. he hasn't, in fact, he comes to the refrigerator now looking for it.

By the first of the following week, the frequent nonproductive trips to the box had ceased and while he is making more frequent trips to the box each visit is productive (normal)..woohoo!! Now if we could only find a way to get him to stop licking without wearing the collar we would be in heaven.

We are so delighted that Sammy has found some relief! For the excessive licking, our NHV Pet Experts suggested his mom try the Matricalm. This formula helps to keep any anxiety or stress down that a pet may be having. Our lead holistic veterinarian, Dr. Cook suggests giving pets the Matricalm after surgery and any time a pet is showing excessive behaviors, such as licking and scratching.

NHV Tripsy has a demulcent effect on urinary calculi, supports the health of the kidneys and bladder. If your pet has chronic kidney disorders, urinary infections, bladder stones, or renal failure, this is the best formula you could give them.

Giving the system extra support such as NHV Milk Thistle, which supports the liver is also recommended for pets with kidney and/or renal issues. It is very important to ensure the liver is functioning well as it is the main filter of the body and will need to be healthy in order to support other vital organs.

Sammy's update: August 2018

Just placed my order for 2 more bottles of Tripsy..I've had my boy on it since his PU surgery and knocking on wood there have been no complications (infections, difficulty urinating, etc) since. After almost a year my boy seems to come looking for it if I should forget.
Sammy the cat - PU surgery

NHV Yucca is a natural discomfort reliever and can be helpful for your kitty as he recovers from post-surgery stress and possible loss of appetite. Yucca is a natural appetite stimulator too.

post surgery care for cats herbal supplements from NHV - Yucca and Matricalm

If you have any questions about our products reach out to our Pet Experts anytime! We are always here to help as we did with sweet Sammy. We are over the moon he is doing better and that his family is happy!

How To Clean Cat After Pu Surgery


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